Palestine Postcards
To Biden!

Send a postcard to U.S. President Biden to demand the U.S. government end their funding, aiding, arming and political clearance to Israel's apartheid regime for war crimes, occupation and genocide against Palestinians.

Tell U.S. President Biden:
- Ceasefire Now!
- Israel out of Gaza Now!
- End the Siege on Gaza Now!
- Reinstate UNRWA Funding Now!
- Stop Arming Israel!
- Stop Funding Israel!

Email for more info and to arrange pickup/delivery

Canada Withdraw

Sign and share the

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!
Boycott Israel!

Al-Shifa Hospital
Witnesses the
slaughter of Palestinians

Read this
important infosheet!

Letter To MPs From Muslim Community Regarding Ramadan

Read the online letter!

End Canadian Assistance to Military Committing Genocide

Sign and share the
online letter campaign!

To Canadian Parliamentarians:
Support a Ceasefire!
Stop Sending Weapons!
End The War in Ukraine!

Read the online letter!

Zain's Deportation Has Been Deferred, Great Victory!

Stay tuned for updates!

Trudeau Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

Click here to
send an email to your MP!

Out Of Ukraine!


PressTV Interview with MAWO Executive Azza Rojbi on the Saudi air raid near the Yemeni hospital


Canadians Call Trudeau to Demand Biden

Click here to read full statement signed
by MAWO and other Organizations!

Interview with MAWO Executive Azza Rojbi on 6 Years of Saudi-led War on Yemen

Canada's Failed Foreign Policy for Latin America and Venezuela should be Abandoned,
not Re-furbished


Don't Attack Syria!

Statement from Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO
April 14, 2018


U.S./Canada Hands Off North Korea!

Report on United Actions Against Imperialist "Vancouver Group" Meeting - January 15-16, 2018


Stop the United Nations Security Council War on North Korea!

Hands Off North Korea!

Statement from Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO
December 23, 2017




Statement from Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO
April 6, 2017





Statement from Mobilization Against War & Occupation - MAWO
March 24, 2017



March 13, 2021

Online Celebration of Life

In memory of
our friend, family member, co-organizer and co-fighter

March 13, 2020

International Days of Action against U.S. Sanctions and Economic War!

Protesting 5 years of the ongoing U.S./Saudi-led War on Yemen!

Protesting 17 years since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq!

February 21

Monthly Antiwar Rally & Petiton Drive
No War With Iran!

U.S./Canada Troops Out of Iraq Now!
Out Now!

January 25

International Day Of Action
No War With Iran!

U.S./Canada Troops Out of Iraq Now!
Out Now!

January 10/11

Protest Rally
Public Forum

No War With Iran!

U.S./Canada Troops Out of Iraq Now!
Out Now!

November 15

Monthly Antiwar Rally & Petiton Drive
Poetry Night for Peace

Iran, Yemen, Venezuela,
Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq,
North Korea!

October 11

Vancouver Action in Solidarity with March on the Pentagon

Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea!

September 20

Monthly Anti-War Rally
& Petition Drive

No to War & Occupation!

No to Environmental Degradation!

August 23

Monthly Anti-War Rally
& Petition Drive


Iran, Yemen, Venezuela,
Syria, Afganistan,
Iraq, North Korea!

July 12-13

International Days of Action

No War On Iran!

June 28

Monthly Anti-War Rally
& Petition Drive

No War On Iran!

June 6

Free Community Forum

Making the Links: Militarism, War & the Climate Crisis

May 24

Protest Action

Hands Off Venezuela, Yemen and Syria!
No War On Iran!

April 26

Protest Action

Hands Off Venezuela, Yemen and Syria!

March 15

Protest Action

No War on Venezuela

February 5

Protest Action

U.S. & Saudi Arabia
Stop Bombing Yemen!

Canada Cancel the Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia!

Lift the Naval, Aerial and Land Blockade on Yemen

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

January 25

Monthly Antiwar Rally &
Petition Drive

Hands Off
Syria, Yemen, Venezuela
Iraq, Iran & North Korea!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

December 14

Free Public Forum

U.S. Hands Off Iran!
Sanctions & Threats of War, What Next?

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

November 30

Free Public Forum

Stop Saudi Aggression & Killings!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

November 2



Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

October 7

Monthly Antiwar Rally

U.S./Canada Hands Off Afghanistan!
Marking 17 Years of
War and Occupation in Afghanistan

US & Saudi Arabia Stop Bombing Yemen!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

October 20

Vancouver Action in Solidarity With Women’s March On The Pentagon

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

October 7

Monthly Antiwar Rally

U.S./Canada Hands Off Afghanistan!
Marking 17 Years of
War and Occupation in Afghanistan

US & Saudi Arabia Stop Bombing Yemen!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation

September 21

Monthly Antiwar Rally

US & Saudi Arabia Stop Bombing Yemen!
U.S./UK/France Hands Off Syria!
No Sanctions on Iran!
Self-Determination For All Oppressed Nations!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

August 24

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Canada Out of NATO!
Canada/NATO/US/UK Out of Iraq!
US & Saudi Arabia Stop Bombing Yemen!
Self-Determination For All Oppressed Nations!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

July 20

Monthly Antiwar Rally

US/UK/France/Canada/NATO Hands Off the Middle East!
No to Imperialist Intervention!
No to War and Occupation in the Middle East!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

June 15

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Hands Off the Middle East!
No to Imperialist Intervention!
Independence, Sovereignty & Self-Determination
For All Oppressed Nations!
No to War and Occupation in the Middle East!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

May 14

Public Forum

U.S. Hands Off Syria!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

May 11

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Don't Attack Syria!
Stop Bombing Yemen!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

April 13

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Part of the International Days of Antiwar "Spring Action"

Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad!
US/UK/France Hands Off Syria!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

For more on International actions:

March 26

Free Public Forum

Marking 3 years since the U.S.-backed
Saudi-led bombing of Yemen

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

March 16

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Marking 15 Years Since the Invasion of Iraq

U.S. Out of Iraq Now!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

February 23

Monthly Antiwar Rally

Global Day of Actions to Return Guantanamo to Cuba!

Close All U.S. Foreign Military Bases!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

January 27

Monthly Antiwar Rally

U.S./Canada Hands Off North Korea!
U.S. Hands Off Iran!
U.S./Saudi Arabia Hands Off Yemen!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

January 16

Free Public Forum

U.S. Hands Off North Korea!
North Korea & the Danger of Nuclear War

Forum with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky &
Ret. U.S. Army Colonel Ann Wright

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War
and Occupation

Click Here for Event Reports from 2017,2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003!

Actions & Campaigns
Organized or Endorsed by MAWO

October 18, 2024

Join MAWO's Friday Weekly
Banner Drop For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Friday October 18, 2024
Kingsway Pedestrian Overpass
East of Boundary

Call for location: 778-881-6156

Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End the Siege Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US-Canada Stop Arming Israel!

October 20, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Sunday October 20, 2024

Call for location:

Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End the Genocide Now!
End the Siege of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!

October 21, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

1 Year Of Genocide
1 Year Of Resistance

Stop Bombing Gaza!
Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off
Palestine & Lebanon!

Monday October 21, 2024
U.S. Consulate
1075 W. Pender Street
Downtown Vancouver

US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End The Siege of Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Israel Out Of West Bank!
Self-Determination For
Palestine & Lebanon!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!
Boycott Israel Now!
Maersk Cut Ties With Genocide!

October 22, 2024

MAWO Meeting

Tuesday October 22, 2024
Britannia Community Centre
1661 Napier Street

Ceasefire Now! End the US-Israel Genocide Now! US-Israel - Hands Off the West Bank!

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

Updated September 4, 2024

For 11 months, Israel has been committing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The Zionist regime is hand-in-hand with the United States government which provides full political support, endless supplies of weapons and billions of dollars for genocide. On August 28 Israel widened their attack against Palestine, launching an ongoing assault against Palestinians in the West Bank. This is the largest Israeli operation against the West Bank in over 22 years.

Click here to read the statement!

Cut Ties With Genocide

The Palestinian Youth Movement's campaign to Cut Ties with Genocide is a fight against Maersk, one of the world's largest shipping and logistics companies that directly facilitates the weapons trade. Without Maersk, Israel would not have the weapons to commit its genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. We call on Maersk to Cut Ties with Genocide!

Sign the Petition demanding Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!

MAWO stands in solidarity with the growing student movement for Palestine in Canada, U.S., & worldwide

We also condemn the suppression of peaceful student protests in universities urging for an end to the US-Israeli genocide against Gaza by authorities in the U.S. and Canada. This suppression is a violation of the right of students to protest peacefully and punishes them for their moral stance and political awareness. This suppression exposes the reality behind the claims of countries such as the U.S. and Canada that they are protecting freedoms, human rights, and democracy.

Especially in the U.S., authorities are dealing with protesters against the genocide crimes in Gaza with brutal violence. This behavior toward protests in the U.S. universities is unacceptable and disregards all democratic norms and constitutional rights, including freedom of speech and assembly. Thousands of students and faculty members from 200+ American and Canadian universities are still protesting the Israeli genocide in Gaza despite various attempts from administrators and police to stop them through disciplinary measures and violent arrests.


Ceasefire Now! Stop Bombing Gaza! Stop Genocide! Stop Bombing Rafah! Israel Out of Gaza Now!

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

April 12, 2024

On April 3, 2024, the world marked the 180th day of the Israeli Zionist regime's genocide against the people of Palestine in Gaza. According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor group in this time, over 41,000 Palestinian people have been killed. Nearly 40% of all those killed have been children and over 90% have been civilians.

Click here to read the statement!

Hands Off Gaza! Ceasefire Now! Stop Genocide! End Concentration Camp!

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

February 25, 2024

Palestinians in Gaza have endured nearly 5 months of genocidal bombardment and the blockade of food, water, fuel, and medical supplies at the hands of the Israeli Zionist regime. In every step, every war crime committed by the Israeli apartheid regime, their U.S. backers have aided, funded, armed and given the political clearance for the bloodshed to continue.

Click here to read the statement!

International Court of Justice (ICJ) Ruling: A Huge Victory for Palestinian Struggle, A Huge Defeat for the Israeli Apartheid Genocidal Regime

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

January 26, 2024

The expected ICJ ruling announcement came in on January 26, 2024. The South Africa Petition charging Israel of genocide in the ICJ, which was supported and endorsed by more than 70 countries, demanded that the Israeli racist regime be put on trial for committing genocide in Gaza.

Click here to read the statement!

From the River to the Sea,
Palestine must be Free!

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

October 9, 2023

October 7, 2023 marks a turning point in the over 75 years of the genocidal and racist Zionist Israeli occupation of Palestine. In an unprecedented move, Palestinian resistance fighters from Gaza launched defensive military operations in Israel including air, sea, and ground attacks, surprising Israel and catching one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world unawares.

Click here to read the statement!

Canada, U.S. and UN
Hands off Haiti!
No New Occupation of Haiti!

Statement by Mobilization Against
War and Occupation - MAWO

October 20, 2022

"Today, Canadian and U.S. military aircraft arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to transfer vital Haitian government-purchased security equipment, including tactical and armoured vehicles, and supplies to the Director General of the Haitian National Police (HNP)," explained a Global Affairs Canada statement on October 15, 2022.

Click here to read the statement!

Statement on the
Ceasefire in Yemen

Issued jointly by
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

Click here to read the statement!

Statement on the Present Crisis in Ukraine

Joint statement by
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
Odessa Solidarity Campaign
The Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

Endorsed by
The Canada Files
The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War

Click here to read the statement!

Joint statement by Palestinians & Supporters
in North America on Nakba Day


May 15, 2021

As we mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, we, the undersigned, join together to reaffirm our commitment to the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, return, and liberation. We commemorate the loss experienced by Palestinians in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of our people were forced into exile and saw their homes and villages stolen or destroyed by Zionist militias. To this day, colonization and dispossession remain ongoing processes, where Palestinians continue to endure land theft and encroachments on their basic rights. Despite the multiple decades of Zionist brutality, our resilient people remain committed to resisting Zionist settler-colonialism and to the liberation of Palestine.

Click to read the full statement!

End Canada's Support of the War on Yemen & Ongoing Weapons Exports to Saudi Arabia

Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO) joined 68 organizations across Canada, representing nearly one million people, to sign on to demand that Canada #StopArmingSaudi and to highlight 28 companies in Canada complicit in this arms deal.

On March 1st, 2021 the letter was delivered to Prime Minister Trudeau's office. It has also been delivered to the companies and government officials named across Canada.

Click to read the letter
Click for photos of letter deliveries

Past MAWO & Endorsed Actions

October 14, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

1 Year Of Genocide
1 Year Of Resistance

Stop Bombing Gaza!
Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off
Palestine & Lebanon!

US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End The Siege of Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Israel Out Of West Bank!
Self-Determination For
Palestine & Lebanon!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!
Boycott Israel Now!
Maersk Cut Ties With Genocide!

October 13, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End the Genocide Now!
End the Siege of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!

October 11, 2024

Public Forum

1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance
Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen,
Syria, Iran & Israel
The Changing Tides in West Asia

October 11, 2024

Join MAWO's Friday Weekly
Banner Drop For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End the Siege Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US-Canada Stop Arming Israel!

October 9, 2024


Canadian Academics for a
Just Foreign Policy

Defending Free Speech and
Academic Freedom on Our
University and College Campuses

October 7, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

1 Year Of Genocide
1 Year Of Resistance

Stop Bombing Gaza!
Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off
Palestine & Lebanon!

US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End The Siege of Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Israel Out Of West Bank!
Self-Determination For
Palestine & Lebanon!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!
Boycott Israel Now!
Maersk Cut Ties With Genocide!

October 6, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End the Genocide Now!
End the Siege of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!

October 4, 2024

Join MAWO's Friday Weekly
Banner Drop For
Palestine & Lebanon!

October 7:
1 Year Of Genocide, 1 Year Of Resistance!

Stop Bombing Gaza & Now!
Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
End the Siege Of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!
Boycott Israel Now!
US-Canada Stop Arming Israel!

September 30, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For
Palestine & Lebanon!

Stop Bombing Gaza!
Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Lebanon!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!

Stop Bombing Gaza & Lebanon Now!
Ceasefire in Gaza Now!
US-Israel End the Genocide Now!
End the Siege of Gaza Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
US-Israel Hands Off Lebanon!
Israel Out of West Bank!
Self-determination for
Palestine & Lebanon!
US/Canada Stop Arming Israel!
Boycott Israel Now!
Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!

September 29, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

September 27, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

September 23, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
Hands Off West Bank!

September 22, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

September 20, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

September 16, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
Hands Off West Bank!

September 15, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

September 13, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

September 9, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Stop Bombing Gaza Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!
Hands Off West Bank!

Click Here For Photos!

September 8, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

September 6, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

September 2, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!

September 1, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

August 30, 2024

Weekly Banner Drop For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!

August 28, 2024

Report Back Webinar

No to NATO! Yes to Peace!

August 26, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End the Siege on Gaza Now!
US-Israel End The Genocide Now!

August 25, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

August 25, 2024

Vancouver Welcomes The
Golden Rule Peace Ship!

August 24, 2024

Vancouver Welcomes The
Golden Rule Peace Ship!

August 23, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

August 23, 2024

The Golden Rule
Picnic For Peace

August 19, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

August 18, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

August 17, 2024

Vancouver All Out for Palestine:
Banner Drop

August 16, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

August 16, 2024

Vancouver Rally and March
to end the genocide in Gaza now!

August 12, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

August 11, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

August 9, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

August 5, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

August 4, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

August 2, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

July 29, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

July 28, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

July 26, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

July 24, 2024

Vancouver Rally and March

All Out For Palestine:
Protest Netanyahu's Address
To The US Congress

July 22, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

July 21, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

July 19, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

July 15, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

July 14, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

July 13, 2024

Vancouver Rally, March & Vigil

All Out For Gaza, All Of Palestine,Lebanon

July 12, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

July 5-11, 2024

Join The Canada-Wide Week Of Action!

Canada Out Of NATO!

Nature Not NATO!


No to NATO Week of Action
coordinated Cross-Canada by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network (CWPJN)

July 8, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

July 7, 2024

Join The Canada-Wide Week Of Action!

Vancouver Action

No To NATO Info Table!

Organized in Vancouver by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

No to NATO Week of Action
coordinated Cross-Canada by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network (CWPJN)

July 7, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

July 5, 2024

Vancouver Mass Rally & March

We Will Not Stop. We Will Not Rest.

All Out For Palestine!

July 5, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

July 1, 2024

Weekly Picket Action For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

June 30, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

June 28, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

June 24, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

June 23, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

June 22, 2024

National Die-in For Gaza

Rally And March Follow Die-in

June 22, 2024

Palestine Banner Making!

June 21, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

June 17, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

June 16, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

June 14, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

June 10, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

June 9, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

June 8, 2024

Naksa Day
Vancouver Protest
Palestine Is The Red Line

Supporting The Red Line
Surrounding The White House

June 3, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

June 2, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

June 1, 2024

Vancouver Report Back from the
People's Conference for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

May 31, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

May 27, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Israel Hands Off Rafah!
Stop Bombing Rafah Now!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

May 27, 2024

Emergency Vancouver Action!

Rafah is burning!
End The Genocide Now!

May 26, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

May 24-26, 2024

People's Conference For Palestine!

Our Struggle For Liberation

May 24-26, 2024
Detroit, Michigan

May 24, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

May 20, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

May 19, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

May 18, 2024

Ceasefire Now!

Nakba Day
Resistance Until Return

May 17, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

May 15, 2024

Remember Nakba

Click Here For Video
Clip From Action!

May 13, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

May 12, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

May 10, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Video
Clip From The Action!

May 8, 2024

Public Forum

The Right To Resist:
International Law, Police Repression,
and Global Solidarity for Palestine

May 7, 2024

Emergency Vancouver Action

Ceasefire Now!
All Eyes On Rafah!
End The Genocide!

May 6, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

May 5, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

May 3, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

May 2, 2024


May 2: Remember
the Odessa Massacre

Click Here To Watch!

Sponsored by:
Odessa Solidarity Campaign

Endorsed by:
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Vancouver), Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice (Los Angeles), Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) - Vancouver, Socialist Unity Party, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality

April 29, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

April 28, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 26, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 26, 2024

March For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

April 25, 2024

Public Forum

Changing Tides in West Asia:
Imperialism, Zionism, Palestine,
Iran & the Axis of Resistance

Click Here For Photos!

April 22, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out Of Gaza Now!
End The Genocide Now!

Click Here For Photos!

April 21, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 20, 2024

March For Palestine!

Stop The Genocide!

April 19, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 15, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

April 14, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 13, 2024

Public Forum

The Palestinian Struggle For
Liberation & Self-Determination:
Zionism, Imperialism & Building
a Solidarity Movement for Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

April 12, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 8, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

April 7, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

April 5, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops for Palestine!

Marking Al-Quds Day

Click Here For Photos!

April 1, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

March 31, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

March 29, 2024

Weekly Banner Drop for Palestine!

Click Here For Video
Clip From The Action!

March 25, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

March 24, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

March 22, 2024

Weekly Banner Drop for Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

March 18, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

March 17, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

March 15, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops For Palestine!

Stop Bombing Rafah!
Ceasefire Now!

Click Here For Photos!

March 11, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

March 10, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

March 9, 2024

International Women's Day 2024

Women in History & Today
The Role of Women Worldwide in the Struggle for a Better World: Fighting for Social Justice, Liberation & Against War & Occupation

Click Here To Watch!

March 9, 2024


March 8, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops For Palestine!

Stop Bombing Rafah!
Ceasefire Now!

Click Here For Photos!

March 4, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

March 3, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

March 2, 2024

March & Rally

Ceasefire Now!

March 1, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops For Palestine!

Stop Bombing Rafah!

Click Here To Watch!

February 26, 2024

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

February 25, 2024

Weekly Info Booth For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

February 24, 2024

March & Rally

All Out For Palestine
March For Rafah
End All Arms Sales
Stop The Genocide

February 23, 2024

Weekly Banner Drops For Palestine!

Stop Bombing Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

February 19, 2024

Global March For Rafah

Weekly Rally For Palestine!

Hands Off Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

February 16, 2024

Global March For Rafah

Weekly Banner Drops For Palestine!

Stop Bombing Rafah!

Click Here For Photos!

February 11, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

February 10, 2024

March & Rally

Stand For Palestine!
End The Genocide in Gaza!
Self-Determination For Palestine!
Ceasefire Now!

February 4, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

February 3, 2024

Stand Up For Gaza!
Ceasefire Now!

Click Here For Photos!

February 3, 2024

Neighbours Of The North Shore
United For A Free Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

February 2, 2024

Banner Drops For Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

January 28, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

January 28, 2024

Langley Out 4 Palestine

January 27, 2024

Vancouver Rally for Palestine!

End the Genocide!
Hands Off Yemen!

Click Here For Photos!

January 26, 2024

Palestinian Cultural
And Information Booth

January 21, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

January 14, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

January 12, 2024

Vancouver All Out For Palestine
Car Rally!

Click Here For Photos!

January 11, 2024

Emergency Protest
Stop US/UK/Canada
Bombing of Yemen!

Click Here For Photos!

January 7, 2024

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

January 7, 2024

Free Palestine Now!

Cease Fire Now!

January 6 & 7, 2024

Palestinian Cultural and Info Booth

January 6, 2024

All Out For Palestine!

Vancouver Rally and March

Click Here For Photos!

January 4, 2024

Rally & March For Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

December 31, 2023

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally For Palestine

Click Here For Photos!

December 30, 2023

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
Lift the Siege on Gaza Now!
End Canadian Complicity!
US Stop Arming Israel!
Stop Bombing Gaza!
Self-Determination For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

December 24, 2023

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally

Click Here For Photos!

December 22, 2023

Ceasefire Now!
Israel Out of Gaza Now!
Lift the Siege on Gaza Now!
End Canadian Complicity!
US Stop Arming Israel!
Stop Bombing Gaza!
Self-Determination For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

December 18, 2023


December 17, 2023

Palestinian Liberation Struggle:
Confronting Imperialism
And Zionism - Next Steps

Organized by:
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner
Solidarity Network - Vancouver

December 17, 2023

Real Ceasefire Now

Peace Rally

Click Here For Photos!

December 16, 2023

All Out For Gaza

In Solidarity With
The Health Workers Of Gaza
And Rallies Around The World

Click Here For Photos!

December 14, 2023

Justin Trudeau Is In Town

All Out 4 Palestine

December 9, 2023

Click Here For Photos!

December 2, 2023

Rally & March
Free Palestine!

Ceasefire Now!
Lift The Siege On Gaza Now!
End The Genocide in Gaza!
Stop Bombing Gaza!
End Canadian Complicity!

Click Here For Photos!

November 25, 2023

Vancouver In Solidarity With
The March On Ottawa

Largest Children-led Demonstration

All Out For Gaza,
All Out For Palestine!

End The Genocide in Gaza!
End Canadian Complicity in War Crimes!
Ceasefire Now!
Free Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

November 22, 2023

Rally & March For Palestine

Let Gaza Live

Click Here For Photos!

November 20, 2023

Palestinian Struggle
& The New Cold War

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

November 18, 2023

All Out For Gaza,
All Out For Palestine!

End The Genocide in Gaza!
End Canadian Complicity in War Crimes!
Ceasefire Now!
Free Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

November 12, 2023

Emergency Gathering + Vigil

National Day of Action
For #CeasefireNow

Solidarity with Gaza Hospitals
End The Genocide in Gaza!
End Canadian Complicity in War Crimes!
Ceasefire Now!
Free Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

November 9, 2023

Shut It Down For Palestine
Day Of Action!

End The Genocide in Gaza!
End Canadian Complicity in War Crimes!
Ceasefire Now!
Free Palestine!

Click Here For Video
Clip From The Action!

November 4, 2023

Women's International League
For Peace and Freedom

Invites you to join people all over
the world calling for CEASEFIRE!

Click Here For Photos!

November 3, 2023

Day of Action For Palestine!

End Canadian Complicity!
Ceasefire Now!
Lift The Siege On Gaza Now!
Stop Bombing Gaza Now!

Click Here For Photos!

October 28, 2023

Freedom For Palestine March!

All Out For Palestine!
Defend Gaza!
Free All Palestinian Prisoners!
Stop Bombing Gaza!

Click Here For Photos!

October 21, 2023

Rally and March
For Palestine,
All Out for Gaza!

Click Here For Photos!

October 19, 2023

All Out For Gaza!

Protest and Vigil

Click Here For Photos!

October 18, 2023

Emergency Protest For Gaza

End Media Complicity,
End The Siege,
End The Massacre

Click Here For Photos!

October 13, 2023

All Out For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, BDS Vancouver, Canada Palestine Association, Palestinian Youth Movement, ILPS Canada, and Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

October 9, 2023

All Out For Palestine!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Solidarity For Palestinian Human Rights, Samidoun Palestinian Political Solidarity Network, BDS Vancouver, Canada Palestine Association, and Palestinian Youth Movement

Endorsed by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

October 8, 2023

Ukraine Between
War & Peace

Organized by:
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute &
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

October 7, 2023

Peace Now!
Stop The War!
Stop NATO!

Organized in Victoria by:
Victoria Peace Coalition

Endorsed by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

Coordinated in Canada by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

Find other actions in Canada at:
Click Here!

October 2, 2023

Peace Now!
Stop The War!
Stop NATO!

Click Here For Photos
From The Vancouver Action!

Coordinated in Canada by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

Organized in Vancouver by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

Endorsed by:
Victoria Peace Coalition,Women's International League for Peace & Freedom - Canada, and Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

September 23, 2023

Stand for Palestine:
Shut Elbit Down!

Click Here For Photos!

Cosponsored by:
BDS Vancouver, Canada Palestine Association, Canadian BDS Coalition, ILPS Canada, and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

September 20, 2023

Join The Webinar:
Cluster Bombs & Depleted
Uranium Weapons in Ukraine:
2 More Reasons To
End The War Now!

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

Endorsed by:
Canada Foreign Policy Institute &
Just Peace Advocates

September 9, 2023

From Venezuela To Gaza:
Sanctions Kill!

Organized by:
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

July 22, 2023

Stand for Palestine:
Shut Elbit Down!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Masar Badil, Canadian Palestine Association, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, BDS Vancouver - Coast Salish Territories

July 19, 2023

US Government Attacks Civil Liberties
and Our Movement

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
The United National Antiwar Coalition(UNAC)

June 19 - July 4, 2023


July 4, 2023

5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern

Making Peace with Russia
One Handshake at a Time

Dimitri Lascaris' Canada-Wide
Tour For Peace

Click Here To Watch!

For event details on Dimitri Lascaris'
Canada-Wide Tour for Peace,
Click Here!

Cross-Canada Tour Sponsored by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

June 19 - July 4, 2023

Making Peace with Russia
One Handshake at a Time

Dimitri Lascaris' Canada-Wide
Tour For Peace

Click Here For Photos from
the Vancouver Event!

For event details on Dimitri Lascaris'
Canada-Wide Tour for Peace,
Click Here!

Vancouver Event Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation

Cross-Canada Tour Sponsored by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

June 20, 2023

2 Antiwar Events With Visiting Activist Tamara Lorincz!

No to NATO!
Canada Out of NATO!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Organized by Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
Member of the Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

May 14, 2023

Nabka 75 Vancouver

Until Return and Freedom!
Raise the Palestinian Flag!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Canada Palestine Association, International League of Peoples' Struggle Canada, Masar Badil, Palestinian Youth Movement, Samidoun, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights UBC, and Students for Justice in Palestine SFU

April 20, 2023

Money for Social
Needs Not For War!


Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
Member of the Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

Endorsed by:
Victoria Peace Coalition, Global Peace Alliance BC, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice, and Iranian Community Against War

April 15, 2023

Quds Day Global Protest
for Palestinian Fredom

Click Here For Photos!

All Foreign Troops
Out of Yemen Now!
Open the Border to
All Refugees from Yemen!

March 25-27, 2023 -
Days of Action to
End the War on Yemen

Click Here For Photos
From Vancouver Action!

Read the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network statement on the War in Yemen, and find other actions taking place across Canada at:
Click Here!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO) and Vancouver Yemeni community members

Endorsed by:
Victoria Peace Coalition, Fire This Time Movement For Social Justice, Iranian Community Against War (ICAW), ILPS Commission 4, and Global Peace Alliance BC

March 18, 2023

Dimitri Lascaris - "The Art of Peace:
Seeing the world through
the eyes of our 'enemies' "

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War,
Member group of the Canada-Wide
Peace and Justice Network (CWPJN)

Endorsed by:
Peace Quest Cape Breton, Peace Alliance Winnipeg, Manitoba Peace Council, Regina Peace Council, Global Peace Alliance BC, Just Peace Advocates, Calgary Peace Council, Montreal for a World Beyond War, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice, International Manifesto Group, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, Pax Christi Toronto, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO), & The Canadian BDS Coalition

International Weekend of Action –
February 23-26, 2023

Peace Now!
Stop The War, Stop NATO!
Canada Out Of NATO!

Click Here For Photos From
Greater Vancouver Action!

Find more actions in Canada: Click Here!

Action organized by:
Local members of the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network and friends including Just Peace Committee BC, Global Alliance for Peace-BC, Mobilization against War and Occupation (MAWO), Fire this Time Movement for Social Justice, plus the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

February 19, 2023

No To War, No To NATO:
North American Perspectives On
Ukraine, Russia & NATO

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
Canada-Wide Peace And Justice Network

February 9, 2023

Drop The F-35 Deal: A Discussion on
Canada’s F-35 Fighter Jet Purchase

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by members of the
No Fighter Jet Coalition:
World BEYOND War Canada and
Canadian Voice of Women For Peace

Part of United National
Antiwar Coalition's
Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Actions -
January 13 – 22, 2023

No To U.S./Canada/NATO Wars,
Occupations & Sanctions!

No New Fighter Jets!
Drop The F-35 Deal!

Click Here For Photos From
The Vancouver Action!

For other actions part of MLK Week of Actions -
Jan 13 – 22 "Stop US Wars",
Click Here!

Vancouver Action Organized by:
Local members of the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network: Mobilization Against War and Occupation, Fire this Time Movement for Social Justice, World Beyond War, Just Peace Committee,Global Peace Alliance-BC, and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

Weekend of Action
January 6-8, 2023

Click Here For Photos
From Vancouver Action!

Click Here For Media Coverage
From Vancouver Action!

For other actions across Canada
visit the No Fighter Jets Coalition website,
Click Here!

To participate in the Letter Campaign to demand
Canada: Drop the F-35 Fighter Jet Deal,
Click Here!

Vancouver Action Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

December 10, 2022

Human Rights, Canadian Imperialism
and Haiti's Fight for Self-Determination

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network

November 11, 2022


Organized by:
ILPS Commission 4

October 15th-23rd, 2022
Canada Week Of Action

Vancouver Action
October 22, 2022

We need billions for housing,
Health Care, Jobs and Climate
Not for War Profiteering

Stop Washington's and Ottawa's
warlike moves to Russia and China

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by members of the Canada Peace &
Justice Network in Greater Vancouver:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Movement, Just Peace Committee and other affiliates of the International League of Peoples' Struggles, World Beyond War, Global Peace Alliance-BC Society

This call to action was initiated by the
United National Antiwar Coalition
(UNAC) in the U.S.

October 15th-23rd, 2022
Canada Week Of Action

Hamilton Action
October 22, 2022

The Current Geopolitical
Conflict and the
Prospect for Peace

Click Here To Watch!

Organized by:
Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

Endorsed by:
Hamilton 350 Committee, Hamilton Chapter of the Council of Canadians, International Manifesto Group, The Canadian Peace Congress, China Solidarity Committee, Mobilization Against War and Occupation - Vancouver, Canada China Friendship Promotion Association

Media Sponsor:
The Canada Files

This call to action was initiated by the
United National Antiwar Coalition
(UNAC) in the U.S.

September 18, 2022

Rally for just peace!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by members of the Canada Peace &
Justice Network in Greater Vancouver:
Just Peace Committee and other local organizations of the International League of People's Struggles (ILPS), Mobilization against War and Occupation, Fire this Time Social Justice Movement, Global Alliance for Peace -Surrey Society, Vancouver Peace Poppies, World Beyond War, Socialist Action, Vancouver Peace Council and allies

June 30, 2022

NATO And Global Empire

Watch Online Here!

Organized by:
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

June 25, 2022

Canada, Out of NATO!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by members of the Canada Peace &
Justice Network in Greater Vancouver:
Just Peace Committee, Global Alliance For Peace, World Beyond War, Mobilization Against War and Occupation and Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

Supported by:
Victoria Peace Coalition, East Indian Defence Committee, Socialist Action, Samidoun Political Prisoner Solidarity Network, and Canadian Voices of Women for Peace & Justice

June 2, 2022

Stop the Arms Trade!

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by members of the Canada Peace &
Justice Network in Greater Vancouver:

World Beyond War, Global Peace Alliance-Surrey Society, ILPS-Vancouver, Just Peace Committee, Mobilization against War and Occupation and Fire this Time

Days of Action

End The War Yemen
Marking 7 years of
brutal war in Yemen

March 26-27:
Protests in 7 cities across Canada
Click here for photos!

March 31:
#CanadaStopArmingSaudi Online Rally
Click here for speakers and
to watch recording!

Ukraine Crisis:
Which is the Cause
Russia or US/NATO?

March 14, 2022
4pm PDT/7pm EDT

Click Here To Watch Webinar!

Media Sponsor:
The Canada Files

Co-Sponsored by:
The Hamiliton Coalition To Stop The War, United National AntiWar Coalition, Fire This Time Movement For Social Justice, Orinoco Tribune, The International Manifesto Group, Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO), International Action Center, Regina Peace Council

Iran & Cuba Promoting Pluripolarity:
International Book Launch of Farsi Translation of Cuba-US Relations

February 12, 2022
6am PDT/9am EDT

Trudeau's Failed Coup!

January 23, 2022
4pm PDT/7pm EDT

Click Here To Watch Webinar!

Organized by:
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Media Sponsor:
The Canada Files

Endorsed by:
Common Frontiers,Canadian Latin America Alliance (CLAA),Canadian Campaign of Venezuelans and Friends Against Sanctions,Regina Peace Council, Ottawa Peace Council, Frente Hugo Chávez para la Defensa de los Pueblos - Vancouver, Anti-Imperialist Alliance, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice, Socialist Action, Mobilization Against War and Occupation, Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle

No New Fighter Jets
Week of Action

Fighter Jets are Climate Threats!

November 22-26, 2021

Click Here For Photos!

Vancouver Action Co-organized by:
World Beyond War Vancouver
Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)

Organized Cross-Canada by:
No New Fighter Jets Coalition

Vancouver Book Launch

"Stand on Guard for Whom?"
A People's History of the
Canadian Military

Featuring author Yves Engler

November 16, 2021

Click Here For Photos!

Watch Online Here!

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War & Occupation(MAWO)

Book Launch

"Extraordinary Threat:
The U.S. Empire, The Media,
Twenty Years of Coup Attempts
in Venezuela"

October 30, 2021
11AM PT | 2PM ET

Sponsored by:
>Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War, Canadian Peace Congress, Geopolitical Economy Research Group at the University of Manitoba, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Vancouver), Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice - Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

Media Sponsor:
The Canada Files

Why Meng Wanzhou Must
Be Released Now!

September 22, 2021
4pm PDT/7pm EDT

Click Here To Watch Webinar!

Sponsored by:
Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War, Canadian Peace Congress, World Beyond War (Canada), Canada-China Council for Cooperation and Development (CCCD), Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, Just Peace Advocates, New Cold War, Mobilization Against War and Occupation, Friends of Socialist China, No Cold War, International Action Centre, Popular Resistance (USA)

Media Sponsor:
The Canada Files

#CanadaStopArmingSaudi Days of Action

Stop U.S./Saudi War on Yemen!
Saudi/UAE Lift the Blockade on Yemen!
Canada Stop Arming Saudi Arabia!

August 9, 2021

Click Here For Photos!

Remembering the 40 Yemeni Children
killed by a Saudi airstrike on a school bus
on August 9th, 2018

Organized by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO)
Yemeni Community Association of Canada
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

Resisting Israel's Attacks on Palestine

August 4, 2021
5pm Pacific/7pm Central

Click Here to Watch Webinar!

Hosted by:
Missouri Green Party

Co-sponsored by:
African People’s Socialist Party, Attack the System, American Muslims for Palestine, Black Community Control of the Police, Broome Tioga Green Party, Georgia Green Party, Green Party Albuquerque Metro Area, Green Party of Florida, Green Party of Kansas City (MO), Green Party of Onondaga County, Green Party Peace Action Committee, Green Party of St. Louis, Green Party of Texas, Green Party of Virginia, Green Party of Washington State, Green Party of Yavapai County, Green Social Thought, Hampton Roads Green Party (VA), Illinois Green Party, Kansas Green Party, Lynne Stewart Organization, Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party, Missouri Green Party, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Vancouver), New Abolitionist Movement, North Carolina Green Party, Organization for Black Struggle, St. Louis Friends of Bethlehem, Uhuru Solidarity Movement, United National Antiwar Coalition, Universal African Peoples Organization, Veterans For Peace, Wisconsin Green Party, Young Ecosocialists

Why is Canada Arming Saudi Arabia's War in Yemen?

May 30th, 2021
12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern

Click Here to Watch Webinar!

Hosted by:
#CanadaStopArmingSaudi Campaign

Organized by:
World BEYOND War,
Mobilization Against War & Occupation,
and Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

Endorsed by:
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, Labour Against the Arms Trade, the Yemeni Community of Canada, Yemeni Community Association of Canada, Palestinian Youth Movement Toronto, Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste, Science for Peace, The Canadian BDS Coalition, and Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace

Vancouver: Vigil and
Rally for Palestine

May 22nd, 2021

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:
Palestine Youth Movement(PYM)
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - UBC
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Canada Palestine Association
Youth for Palestine Canada - YFP

Endorsed by:
Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver

Free Meng Wanzhou
Panel Webinar

May 20th, 2021
4pm PDT/7pm EDT

Click Here To Watch Webinar!

Organized by:
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute - CFPI
International Action Center
Canada China Council for Cooperation and Development
Canadian Peace Congress
Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

Endorsed by:
Mobilization Against War and Occupation - MAWO
World Beyond War [WBW] Canada

Nakba 73: Ongoing Nakba
Ongoing Resistance

May 15th, 2021

Click Here For Photos!

Organized by:

BDS Vancouver Coast Salish
Canada Palestine Association
Palestinian Youth Movement

Endorsed by:

Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
Socialist Action BC
SPHR UBC (Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights)

International Day of Al-Quds
Online Event in Support of Palestine

May 8th, 2021
2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern

Click Here To Watch Webinar!

Endorsers and Organizers:
Mobilization For Justice (M4J)
Palestine Solidarity Network (PSN) – Edmonton
Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism (ECAWAR)
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
Misagh (میثاق)
University of Waterloo Students For Palestinian Rights (UW SFPR)
Thaqalayn Muslim Association Waterloo (TMA)
Centre Communautaire Musulman de Montréal (CCMM)
Canadian Defenders for Human Rights (CD4HR)

March 25 & 26, 2021

Days of Action Marking
6 Years of War on Yemen


Vancouver, BC - Car Caravan
Thursday March 25
* Click to see photos!*
Organized by: Mobilization Against Way and Occupation (MAWO), Yemeni Community Association of Canada, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

Hamilton, Ontario - Car Cavalcade
Thursday March 25
Organized by:
The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War

Webinar - Six Years of War on Yemen
Friday March 26
Webinar hosted by Yemeni community, antiwar and peace organizations in the U.S.

March 1, 2021

The Arrest of Meng Wanzhou & the New Cold War on China

Organized by the Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou
Click here for more information

March 5, 2021

US/Canada Hands Off Venezuela Monthly Virtual Picket Action!

For more information visit

Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) signed the "Joint Statement: World Says No to War on Yemen" along with over 200 organizations worldwide. We endorse the Global Day of Action for Yemen on Januray 25th and encourage our supporters to join the following action! Click here to read the Joint statement in English and Arabic

#YemenCantWait #DayofAction4Yemen

1) Vancouver Car Caravan - Global Day of Action for Yemen!
Saturday January 23, 2021

Click here to see photos from the action

Vancouver action hosted by Mobilization Against Way and Occupation (MAWO), Yemeni Community Association of Canada, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice

2) World Says NO TO WAR ON YEMEN Webinar - Global Day of Action for Yemen!
Monday January 25, 2021

Watch the recorded webinar here

For more information on how to join the international social media campaign visit:

Free Meng Wanzhou

Cross-Canada Day of Action
Social Media Storm

Tuesday December 1, 2020

Take Action!

** Take a selfie holding this printed image
Post it on social media on Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Send it to your MP,click here to find your MP
Send it also to: (Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War)

** Take a minute to email all MPs to ask them to press the government to end the extradition process of Meng Wanzhou
Click here to take part in the letter campaign

Organized by the Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou
Click here for more information

MAWO encourages our supporters to attend this important event!

Zoom to Free Meng Wanzhou

Online Event

Tuesday November 24

4pm Pacific Time
7pm Eastern Time

Click here to Register

Join the Facebook event

Hosted by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, the Canadian Peace Congress, Just Peace Advocates, the Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War, and World BEYOND War.

Click here to support the Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Canada's Interference in Venezuela

Online Webinar

Thursday August 20

2pm Pacific Time
5pm Eastern Time

Click here to Register
Join on Facebook

Organized by Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and co-sponsored by Common Frontiers and Canadian Latin America Alliance

UNAC Conference 2020
Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis
Building Power Together

February 21-23, 2020
The People’s Forum
320 West 37th Street
New York, USA

More info at:

Organized by:
The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

MAWO Joins New "Hands Off Syria" Ad-Hoc Coalition

Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) is one of the initiators of an important new ad-hoc coalition against imperialist intervention in Syria called “US Hands Off Syria”. We encourage all of our members and supporters to sign-on to the points of unity statement and find out more about the coalition here:


Great show of solidarity at "U.S Hands Off Iraq" protest!

On Sunday May 10, 2015 MAWO co-organized with the Iraqi and Muslim community in Vancouver a protest rally against the United States intervention and meddling in Iraq, demanding "US Out of Iraq".

The protest rally took place in front of the US consulate in Vancouver. The protest was observed by hundreds of pedestrians who were walking to and from the waterfront area and many of them either stopped, picked up fliers and brochures or joined the protest.

We also had a surprise guest, world renown British comedian and social justice activist Russell Brand stopped by, spent some time with protesters and also shared some supportive words in solidarity with the Iraqi people and against US intervention in Iraq!





April 22, 2015

For one month Saudi Arabia, with the backing of the US, has devastated Yemen with a brutal and criminal bombing campaign. According to UN estimates, over 1,100 innocent Yemeni people have been killed. UNICEF last week released a report that by conservative estimates, more than 115 children have been killed by the Saudi-led war on Yemen. The indiscriminate bombing campaign against Yemen has created a humanitarian crisis where basic infrastructure has been destroyed, over 150,000 people have been displaced from their homes, and 12 million people in Yemen do not know where there next meal is coming from.


This is Not a War on ISIS/ISIL,
it is the New Imperialist War Drive in the Middle East!

February 20, 2015

For almost four years the United States and other imperialist governments have been actively engaged ina bloody campaign to overthrow the government of Syria. They have been limited so far to imposing a cruel civil war upon the country by pumping it full of anti-government mercenaries. Throughout this entire time they have been constantly searching for an excuse to justify a full scale military intervention. Now they think they finally have one in a so called “the war against ISIS/ISIL”.

More than 190,000 people have been killed and 22 million displaced because of the installed civil war in Syria. Within this fiery chaos also emerged the armed group ISIS/ISIL. Nobody benefited more from the hyper-injection of foreign military aid and funding than they did, and thanks to the vacuum of power created in war torn areas, they also expanded across Syria and moved into Iraq...



October 24, 2014

Since the beginning of June 2014, the open wounds of Iraq caused by sanctions, wars and occupations have grown deeper. This is when the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS, also known as ISIL) began an onslaught against Iraq, establishing control of important border crossings, cities and territories in Iraq through terrorist actions directed against Iraqi civilians. As of June 29, ISIS had taken control of Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, and declared a “Caliphate” state in the areas under their control in Northern Iraq in opposition to the Iraqi state. Fighting between ISIS and the Iraqi military forces continues, imposing more violence and destruction on the people of Iraq who are already facing the daily reality of a country devastated by over 11 years of U.S.-led war and occupation.

In response to the ISIS terrorist attacks, the U.S. government has sent 770 troops (with the possibility of many thousands more to be sent) into Iraq. The majority of them, 470, are charged with security of the gigantic U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.




MAWO Email List

Find out about upcoming antiwar events & actions!


MAWO Meeting

Tuesday October 22
Britannia Community Centre
1661 Napier St, Vancouver

Everyone Welcome!
Call 778-938-1557 or email
for more info

Who is MAWO?

Mobilization Against War and Occupation is a coalition of over 75 endorsing members, most of which are labour unions, student unions, Indigenous groups, Women's Organizations, and groups from the third world. We are the people in struggle because we are people that suffer at the hands of imperialism, we have the energy and drive for change, and it is in our interest to make this change!
