Rhythm & Action Arts is a non-profit society dedicated to the social and physical development of youth through dance, martial arts, gymnastics, urban arts and sport. Founding Directors Monir Osman and Kelly Balon share a vision that many disciplines of dance and movement are interconnected through their deliberating execution of form and style. Breakdancing is the core of Rhythm and Action Arts because of the supreme athleticism and individuality required to master the art, and its applicability and relevance to urban-youth culture. Recognizing the influences of breakdancing - kung fu, capoeira, gymnastics and cultural dance – Rhythm and Action Arts promotes respect for these synergies of movement and provides the platform to inspire cross-cultural and interdisciplinary training, thus creating a community of, and resource base for amateur and professional dancers, athletes and artists. Rhythm and Action Arts is a talent collective representing hip hop, powwow/ fancy dance, capoeira, bhangra, skateboarders, graffiti artists, DJs and other cultural dances. www.rhythmandaction.com
For more information about the HIP-HOP Festival Against War and Occupation 3...
Call (604) 719-7410 or e-mail: info@mawovancouver.org