New Sanctions Against Iran:
New Diplomacy of War Mongering
Organized by Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
April 7 MAWO Forum Report
On Wednesday April 7th, Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO) organized a forum entitled “New Sanctions Against Iran: New Diplomacy of War Mongering” at Joe’s Café. The forum was a great opportunity to discuss why and how these sanctions will effect the people of Iran.
The evening was opened by MAWO co-chair Andrew Barry with film clips that showed the history of Iran. After the film clips, there was a video talk entitled “Media Myths about Iran” from author and organizer with Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran, Phil Wilayto. Phil spoke on his recent trip to Iran and highlighted how the mainstream media portrays many lies about the people of Iran. We as peace-loving people need to demand that Iran have the right to self-determination against foreign interference or intervention and that there be an immediate end to these sanctions on Iran.
Ali Yerevani, Participant in the 1979 Iranian Revolution and Political Editor of the Fire This Time Newspaper emphasized the importance of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and what this meant for the US. This Revolution resulted in Iran becoming an independent country from US domination in the Middle East. Ali also put Iran within the context of this new era of war and occupation and why Iran is so important in US regaining hegemony within the Middle East.
Ali was followed by lively discussion on the importance of the antiwar movement to ensure Iran is a central issue of significance for peace-loving people to demand an end to the sanctions on Iran in this new era of war and occupation.