Revolutionary Mass Movements in North Africa & the Middle East: Results and Prospects
Organized by Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO)
June 21 MAWO Forum Report
On June 21 2011 Mobilization Against War and Occupation came together with antiwar activists and peace loving people in Vancouver to organize and participate in the forum entitled “Revolutionary Mass Movements in North Africa & the Middle East: Results & Prospects”. The forum took place at Joes Café in Vancouver at a time where the fight for self-determination is still surging through million of people throughout North Africa and the Middle East.
Janine Solanki MAWO outreach coordinator was the MC and moderated the forum. Janine introduced a series of news clips outlining the recent protests and demonstrations in Yemen, Bahrain and the ongoing unjust attack on Libya. The news clips emphasized the hypocrisy of the U.S and NATO in their bombings and attacks on Libya. The news clips outlined the acute similarities between the now attacks on Libya and the then attacks on Iraq in 2003. As well as the hypocrisy U.S and NATO support of the so called uprising in Libya while turning a blind eye to the consistent protests for self-determination in Yemen, and Bahrain.
Following the video clips Janine introduced the forum speaker for the evening Ali Yerevani who is the political editor of the Fire This Time Newspaper and an organizer in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Ali began by giving a history of U.S intervention in North Africa and the Middle East. Ali then emphasized that the U.S and NATO are not bringing democracy and human rights to Libya and that this was never the plan. Ali highlighted that in this new era of war and occupation, delivering democracy and human rights to any country is not on the agenda of the U.S or NATO. The plan by U.S, NATO and colonial powers is a strategic one because the balance of forces has changed in North Africa and the Middle East since these revolutionary movements began in Tunisia. Defeating the Libyan government would further strengthen the strong hold of imperialist forces in North Africa and the Middle East. Ali also posed the question of if the U.S or NATO were so worried about human rights and democracy, why is there no pressure on the governments of Bahrain or Yemen? In Yemen and Bahrain the governments have tried to quench the growing protests with attacks and violence against the people with no consequential outcries from the U.S or NATO. Ali also emphasized the important of consistent and ongoing work of the antiwar movement to oppose and protest this brutal and unjust attack on the people of Libya by U.S and NATO.
The forum wrapped up with an energetic round of discussion. Discussion went from the history of revolutions in the Middle East such as Iran, to the importance of the antiwar movement. To continue mobilizing, organizing and educating against these brutal wars and occupations. And to continue demanding Self Determination for All Oppressed Nations! U.S Hands of North Africa and the Middle East!