Whalley Public Library - Surrey
 The Whalley Library in Surrey was packed with participants eager to learn about and discuss the occupation of Iraq.
 MAWO organizer Shakeel Lochan introduces the program for the evening.
 Guest Speaker Jose Angel of the Solidarity Coalition for a United Latin America speaks on the experience of Latin America under the same US aggression and attack as seen now in Iraq and the Middle East.
 MAWO Co-Chair Shannon Bundock discusses the crisis of the US/UK occupation in Iraq.

 Discussion and questions with participants and organizers.


On August 17th and 31st, Vancouver based coalition Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) expanded to include Surrey and Burnaby in a series of free public forums which brought out people of all ages and backgrounds to share their thoughts and opinions on the current Canada/NATO occupation of Afghanistan and the US/UK occupation of Iraq.
Surrey’s Whaley Public Library brought out around 35 people on August 17th, to discuss in depth the criminal US/UK occupation of Iraq. Jose Angel, from the Solidarity Coalition for a United Latin America, opened the forum by tying the history of imperialist military interventions in Latin America to the current occupation of Iraq. Shannon Bundock, MAWO co-chair, delved into the situation facing Iraq as the US troop surge came into full effect with 30,000 additional troops occupying Baghdad.
This talk was followed by the Iraq section of the MAWO – produced DVD “Canada: Imperialist at Home, Imperialist Abroad” which gave vision to the destruction, and resistance which along with the speeches, sparked a lively discussion facilitated by the evenings MC, MAWO organizer Shakeel Lochan.